Rok Starr Films...

This is the fourth reincarnation of the Rok Starr Films website and boy have things changed over the years!

We started out with a vision to make films that had musical content as an organic driver. That vision became a goal, to make feature films. That goal was achieved with The Three Ages of Sasha which screened in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

This could not have happened without the guidance, production capacity, writing ability and sheer determination of Marni Cousins who now runs her own production company MJAY Productions.

Welcome to our world!

We still see ourselves as an art house film cooperative that encourages the bringing together of talented cast and capable crew to turn ideas into productions.

If anyone out there has an idea for a film please drop us a line and tell us about it. If the starrs aline we’ll make the film!

Music is still a driving force for us and we try and involve the cast in that musical journey. The album that accompanied our last feature film, The Three Ages of Sasha, including tracks from three of our lead actors Samantha Morley, Mahesh Jadu and Cat Commander.